Our society, in perpetual evolution, has never taken us so far from our roots. For reconnect with the harmony and balance to which everyone aspires,
let's offer our heart and soul the opportunity to be touched by the beauty and subtle energies of minerals.
Crystals allow us to consciously celebrate the wild beauty of nature, to reconnect with the cosmos by creating a 'sacred' space in our strong interior.
My mother taught me to cultivate my inner strength by investing the minerals with a power, an intention in order to consciously nurture positive feelings. These feelings of joy, of well-being are all the more difficult to feel with the cycle of the seasons which generates an energetic tide.
So, when autumn, then winter invite us to introspection, inner resurrection and purification, which stone to choose to boost your immune system, recharge your batteries, make good resolutions and stimulate your creativity?
“MALACHITE so that evil leaves you.” said my mother. This stone owes its color to the copper it contains, a trace element known to strengthen the immune system.
ROCK CRYSTAL with crystalline transparency, is a true powerhouse of pure energy. Both transmitter and receiver, transformer and amplifier, it has the property of purifying and to bring peace and harmony.
"Acting truth" will be reflected in the curves of the BLACK OBSIDIAN, which like a mirror invites us to introspect to integrate the experiences of the past. Obsidian allows us to enter ourselves in order to observe ourselves without any influence from the outside world.
Invigorating energy and comforting warmth radiate from CARNELIAN. Placed on the solar plexus, it tells us that “I am filled with the vital energies of life and I act with assurance and control.” She brings the optimism and enthusiasm needed to set up new projects.
he cosmic beauty of LAPIS-LAZULI fills us with light and perfection. It allows to better understand nature, the world around us and others. This stone helps us to be deeply in tune with ourselves, others and the Universe.
Our energetic capital thus increased will radiate to the rhythm of the seasons.